The Regent Park Film Festival in Canada selects Caribbean Amp Studio Ltd (CAMP Studio) to be featured in over 3000 schools across the Great Toronto Area (GTA) in Canada. 

Regent Park Film Festival is a charitable organization and is one of the largest film festivals in Canada. 

Regent Park runs a Media Education Program. This program also creates a dialogue surrounding crucial social issues affecting Toronto’s diverse student population and CAMP Studio is happy to be a part of it.

The Film, “An Emancipation Story”, has become even more popular in Canada since the country started to recognize Emancipation Day this year.  

Petriann Trancoso-Millard, co-producer of the film, said she knew that the company’s desire to educate and improve the mind’s of children was important, but she didn’t know that it would be recognized by people in other parts of the world so quickly.  The company is the brainchild of her 7-year-old son Ki Millard. Ki is the voice-over actor for the film and is quite excited about it all after starting off the business with his parents.


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