CAMP Studio Video Gets Selected for Canadian Film Festival School Program


The Regent Park Film Festival in Canada selects Caribbean Amp Studio Ltd (CAMP Studio) to be featured in over 3000 schools across the Great Toronto Area (GTA) in Canada. 

Regent Park Film Festival is a charitable organization and is one of the largest film festivals in Canada. 

Regent Park runs a Media Education Program. This program also creates a dialogue surrounding crucial social issues affecting Toronto’s diverse student population and CAMP Studio is happy to be a part of it.

The Film, “An Emancipation Story”, has become even more popular in Canada since the country started to recognize Emancipation Day this year.  

Petriann Trancoso-Millard, co-producer of the film, said she knew that the company’s desire to educate and improve the mind’s of children was important, but she didn’t know that it would be recognized by people in other parts of the world so quickly.  The company is the brainchild of her 7-year-old son Ki Millard. Ki is the voice-over actor for the film and is quite excited about it all after starting off the business with his parents.


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Ki invites kids worldwide to online Show & Tell event

“I really want to see what other people come up with!!”  Those were the words said by Ki as he just finished planning what to do for World Children’s Day and the rest of the year with his parents.

After a short series of videos that were made to help kids know more about Public Holidays in Trinidad and Tobago, the CAMP Studio team is expanding their series of Local Holidays, starting with Universal Children’s Day

This time the team invites his friend Maddison Caxton to share in the fun and celebrate with Ki on Universal Children’s Day on the 20th November 2021.

Ki and Maddison have decided to invite kids to share their videos on how they plan to celebrate Universal Children’s Day.

That means that kids from anywhere in the world can send in their videos from October 15th to November 15th, 2021, and have them featured on CAMP studio’s YouTube channel.

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Six year old Boy Launches Film Company

When Ki’s first video ( An Emancipation Story ),  hit over 2,000 views on YouTube, he could hardly contain his excitement.  At just Six (6) years old , he received positive comments from kids and parents he never met.  He was encouraged to do more videos just like he wanted to since he was 2 years old. 

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit Trinidad and Tobago, by July 2020, His mother Petriann and her husband realized that it became a real challenge to keep Ki, entertained and engaged. One day Ki came with some homework for emancipation day. They decided to go further by putting their content on YouTube.

Ki and his family didn’t plan on their first short film experiencing growth. They just wanted to make a really good video.  The film bug caught on quickly and they decided to do their second video, ‘What is Independence’.  Somehow, their second video was an even bigger hit in Trinidad and Tobago. It seemed that Ki and his family stumbled onto something. Teachers and Parents needed content to teach kids about things that matter in Trinidad and Tobago.  

Petriann said, “We realized that children in the Caribbean want content that represents them, that reminds them of home.” She continued, “ Ki always wanted to do two things: 1. Be a builder and 2. Make YouTube videos”. 

After getting permission from Muhammud Muwakil of Freetown collective and the Dayo Bejide Organic Music Movement to use their music. They reached out to Kaila Knight and Emile Fortune to help finish the video and audio tracks. The family realized it was possible to make meaningful content that inspires and encourages children. At that moment they decided to support their son Ki and help run his company Caribbean Amp Studio Ltd  (CAMP Studio).  CAMP Studio was born and has been planning its growth ever since.

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