Classic Caribbean Games: Red Light! Green Light, 1-2-3!

Do you remember playing Red Light! Green Light, 1-2-3! in the school yard? CAMP Studio does.
This classic Caribbean game helps kids to follow instructions, endure consequences and be active. It’s mostly played outdoors because of the running aspect, but can also be played indoors with a decent amount of space.
The concept of this game is simple: You can take turns being the traffic light, and if someone moves when on a red light, they have to go back to the starting line. The first one to cross the finish line wins.
Here’s the way kids played this game as a child (& still do today):
Step 1: An adult or a child stands at the finish line on the opposite side of the room or yard as a “traffic light”. The other game participants stand horizontally at the starting line at the opposite end of the room/yard and carefully listen for the cues to move or freeze.
Step 2: When the “traffic light”, at the finish line, turns their back to the participants and yells “Green Light, 1-2-3!” The participants can move as quickly as possible towards the finish line before the traffic light says “Red Light!” when they must freeze. Whoever reaches the finish line first – WINS!
To add an extra layer of fun, the traffic light can go around and closely inspect each participant to ensure they’re not moving. If someone moves, send them back to the starting line. You can also switch up how quickly you go between Green & Red Light.
How do you play Red Light! Green Light, 1-2-3? Tell us in the comments below.